What constitutes great design? Why does it matter? And, why should professional service firms care?
Exploring how professional service firms can build a compelling, differentiated brand to enhance reputation and attract clients.
Dissecting the McKinsey Rebrand from the Outside
McKinsey & Company recently underwent a rebrand. While the changes they made may be subtle, the reasons for them are important. Jason and Jeff share their (somewhat opposing) opinions on the choices they made.
Let’s Get Radical – An Interview About POVs with Jody Padar, Author of The Radical CPA
Jody Padar, CPA and author of The Radical CPA, joins Jason and Jeff to talk about her radical point of view and how its changing the CPA profession.
Brands, Frameworks & Models: Oh My!
Brand initiatives in a professional services firm can be a bit complicated. Often times it's because questions further upstream haven't been answered. In this episode we'll talk about what those questions are and what firms should be thinking about when it comes to...
POV – It’s Time to Get One
A compelling point-of-view. It's your firm's central philosophy that can attract clients, and repel others. While the thought of repelling clients doesn't sound ideal, you can actually drive away business by not having a point-of-view at all. Find out why having a...
Do You Really Need Brand Awareness?
Your firm may have brand awareness, but does it have brand relevance? And what's the difference? In this episode, Jason and Jeff dive into the role of brand awareness versus brand relevance and how they fit together in a firm.