Scott Kost, Technology Leader from Eide Bailly, chronicles life as a practice leader and coaches us on how to "get to the work that matters" and bring out our teams' full potential.
Discussing how a strong internal culture aligns with a firm’s external brand and drives performance.
Our Leadership Heroes
Leaders have a HUGE impact on our work and lives. A firm's culture drives its growth and leaders drive the culture. These are the special people who have inspired and taught us to be leaders.
Creating a Culture That Unleashes Your Firm’s Growth Potential
We cover the leadership behaviors that shape growth-oriented cultures and separate the best firms from the mediocre ones.
Leadership Foibles That Limit Firm Growth
Culture enables growth and leaders create culture. Are you creating a culture that enables growth or destroys your potential?
The Fears that Limit Leaders and Firms
What fears do we humans suffer and where do they come from? We discuss the roots of the anxieties that shape our thinking, drive our behaviors, and fashion our firms' cultures.
How Fear Inhibits Growth in Professional Services
Fear is the elephant in the room of many professional services firms, fear of not knowing an answer, looking stupid, making a mistake, or "failing" in some way. Jeff Munn, a recovering consultant turned leadership coach, tells us how to recognize and address this...
Raj Suchak, CEO of Grit Seed: Fueling the People Side of Growth
Raj Suchak, CEO of Grit Seed: Why disruptive growth demands a disruptive approach to recruiting, engaging employees, and leveraging individual talents.
You Need to Create Time to Think — Now More Than Ever.
Billability and utliization seem important. But, creating time to think is vital to the long-term health of every firm.
Building Confidence in an Insecure Firm
Firm confidence can be built. Jason and Jeff explore how.
Confidence. Does Your Firm Have It?
Just like in life, confidence drives everything a firm does. In this episode, Jason and Jeff discuss what a confident firm looks like.