There comes a time when you just have have to put a practice to rest. But how do you know when that time has come? And how can you go about it? Jason and Jeff talk through how a professional services firm can go about killing a practice that's no longer viable.
Unpacking the core elements of a successful marketing strategy tailored to professional service firms’ unique needs.
How to Develop and Launch a New Service
In the second episode of a three-part series on launching and ending services in professional services firms, Jason and Jeff talk about how practice leaders can take a successful engagement and turn it into a tangible service that a firm can build at scale and get...
The Typical Mistakes Firms Make When Launching a New Service
Many professional services firms run into mistakes when they try to launch a new service, most of which could be a avoided with a little due diligence. Jason and Jeff discuss what due diligence should look like and how it can help firms avoid a lot of wasted time,...
Moving from Stupid to Smart
Feel like you're stuck doing stupid stuff and wondering how to move to the smart list? This episode wraps up the series on stupid and smart things for marketing to do. Jason and Jeff offer advice for becoming a smarter professional services firm marketer.
Smart Sh*t Marketing Should Do
Last week we talked about the stupid things marketing shouldn't be doing in professional services firms. So what are the smart things marketing should be doing to help their firm grow? Let's take a look.
Stupid Sh*t Marketing Should Not Do
Pardon our language, but we've come across a lot of things that get thrown on marketing's plate in professional services firms that simply shouldn't be there. They're either a waste of resources, they don't align with a strategy, or they should be owned by partners...
Marketing Ruins Everything
Jason and Jeff discuss a list of things marketing has ruined, and on the flip side, what marketing has made better. And they leave marketers with a positive message on how they can differentiate themselves and be better marketers.
2019 Marketing Planning in 20:19
It's planning season. What does a growth-driven marketing plan look like? What research should you do? How do you cascade down from marketplace issues to marketing strategies and quarterly tactics? We'll answer all this, and more, in just 20 minutes and 19 seconds.
Picking the Right Marketing Model
There are two schools of thought on marketing a professional services firm. We explore the mindsets, cultures and structures of each and answer the central questions—"Which one is right for you?" and "Can you switch from one to the other?"
How Much Should You Spend on Marketing?
What do firms typically spend on marketing? 5% of revenue? 10% of revenue? Does it matter? Forget about benchmarks as we talk about how to develop a proper marketing budget.